Monday, November 29, 2010

website update

Hey guys!
I am going to include a final project page in addition to designing a menu and cost and restaurant planning. Originally I was going to have cost and restaurant planning be the final page but I now want that to come before designing a menu. It just makes more sense to have a final product page at the end to bring it all together. You should see it added sometime soon called opening day!


We have such a great start to our website! :)

Monday, November 15, 2010


Our website is off to a good start! We have the home page almost completed! Hopefully in the next week we each can get some work done on our pages.


Our website is going to turn out wonderful :) :)

Monday, November 8, 2010


Today we figured out our website!
Our final project is going to be opening a restaurant! Ashlie will be doing the Nutrition and Health info pages. Aaron will be doing Recipes and World Food pages. And I will be doing the designing a menu and the costs and planning of opening a restaurant.
We have a ton of work to do but at least we have a plan!

final project

hey guys the user name is email me if you forget the password.